Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear sweet life, how I loathe thee sometimes

So I've been internet silent for the past couple of days. Why? Not on my own volition, I can tell you that much. No, my computer finally caught a virus, and woo doggy, when it catches a virus, it CATCHES a virus. I've been unable to do ANYTHING with my computer for the last 3 days. After looking at it myself and with friends for the last couple of days, I finally decided to go to a computer place here and get everything fixed. Well, I did that...but part of getting rid of the virus I had meant that nearly everything I had was wiped from my computer. The people gave me a ghost file so I could get what I wanted from it, but most of it right now is unusable. Meaning I have to download it I will either have to wait until I'm back in the States or download them at 3 in the morning here. Because the internet here is so slow. So slow...snail slow.

Never before have I hated the Chinese internet so very much.

Regardless! I have Skype back, I can access the internet once more, and I even got the backlight on my computer replaced for far less than it would have cost in the States. Here's me looking on the bright side of life.