Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Like a big black shiny bug"

Note to the two of you who will get the reference in the title of this blog: Hi Keith! Hi Mom! If any others get it, more power to you, but I'm not expecting it, so no worries.

Today, I felt sick when I woke up. The worst part is, there were so many SIGNS that I was getting sick that if I'd just paid attention to them, I could have attacked the illness before it got its hooks in me. I won't divulge what those signs were to the general populous for the sake of your own health, but needless to say, I feel really stupid. I think since I can't really buy a whole lot of medicine here (or if I can, I don't know how to go about it), I'm going to take tomorrow off from school. I need to take care of myself first and foremost. 'Sides, I learned the lesson last year that if I don't take some mental days when I can, I go nuts.

Yeah, I'm starting to feel like I don't want to be here again. I can't help it; after the week in Shanghai, I really just want to go cruise around China instead of being stuck in Suzhou five days a week, trying to study off and on, getting more and more sick. I suppose part of that is I didn't really get a summer vacation this year, so the time off made me a little wander-lustful. Of course, it could also be that I'm getting SICK, so...y'know. It just stinks that in my mind, I'm always counting down the days until my return. I should be enjoying this time, shouldn't I? I don't know anymore. I mean, I really don't know. Why did I come on this trip? Gah!

I need to start doing more things that require the use of my mind. Like writing. Dear me, do I still call myself a writer? I haven't written anything besides what's on this blog for the last year or so. What's wrong with me? Grr...anger at self time...

There are certain things I miss. I miss having my old roomie Matthew and his never-ending supply of awesome music at hand. Matthew, if you read this, can we start a band when I get back? I'm serious. I'll rent a viola (or cello: I'm thinking of learning how to play that as well) if I have to; I want to play music again. Coran and Clair, you guys are great. Thanks for everything including finding the place that I can call home when I get back from China. I miss my oddly shaped apartment and room. My IMAX friends, miss you guys as well. CAC staff, I really miss you, especially since I know I won't be working there again when I get back. My family, though that goes without saying on here, since they should know from our conversations and email correspondence. All my SU friends and other, non-college friends. Seattle, I REALLY miss you. You'll still have a place for me when I get back, right?

I should go get some sleep. I'm not going to class tomorrow, I've already made my decision. I can miss one day; it won't kill me.


1 comment:

Willow said...

Wanderlust.. Yea you and me both, you cant imagine how much I'm scolding myself right now for not trying for my drivers licence sooner. I wanna go somewhere I'm not sure where though I dont really have much of a place anywhere haha.

Even if you are sick and do wanna come home my advice to give is just to Breathe. Look at your surroundings and really take them in, even if its just a pretty tree. Theres usualy something out there that can make you smile if you let yourself, of if you want to.

I agree completly though consentrate on getting better thats most important