Thursday, September 25, 2008


One thing that I've realized on this trip: I don't like groups. I generally was aware of this fact about myself previous to this trip, but it really hit home during these first couple of weeks. And let me be clear on one thing; I'm not talking about a small group ("small" being defined as two or three people). I'm talking when you have over five people that you have to worry about what they want, when they want it, and what all they are doing. Because I just don't function like that. I like to make decisions NOW, do things quickly, and not waste anytime. Of course, I'm such a nice guy, I try and go along with the group...but really, how long does it take for us to decide where to eat? And there have been a couple of scary moments too: one time in a grocery store, my shopping cart was the catch-all shopping cart for a few people, which wouldn't have been a problem, except I was starting to run low on energy and I felt like I was going to faint unless I got something, ANYTHING to eat, but I couldn't leave because I couldn't find the other people who had their stuff in my cart. A few of my friends can tell you, I was getting mad. So yeah, I like doing things with a few people or by myself. I think it works best in the end.

Enough of the complaining! Cool thing for next week: going to Shanghai! It's kind of a week long national holiday, and today, I bought tickets for myself, Charlie, and Tyler to head off to Shanghai Monday morning. We'll need to either make hotel reservations in advance or at least look up what's there prior to going, but we're going to spend a couple of days in the area, shopping, doing the tourist thing, and possibly going outside of the city as well. We don't know right now, and you know what? That is a-okay with me. It'll be an adventure! (But no, don't worry; I'll find out where to stay before leaving. I'm not that idiotic...)

Um, let's see...other stuff. Classes are going well, even if I don't necessarily want to be going to them (I'm very sleepy, and getting up at 7 every day for classes is starting to wear thin). I'm getting more and less adventurous with my Chinese, depending on the situation. Hardest part is understanding what other people are saying fast enough to come up with a proper response. I finished Angel (Smile Time is still one of my favorite episodes...if you don't know the show, you should watch it), and I'm missing my other DVDs. One of the things to look forward to when I come back, I suppose. Oh yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to coming back. I haven't fallen "in love" with China yet, regardless of what some people told me. I'm just too invested back in the States, I suppose. I had really bad heartburn for a long time, didn't put it on this blog because I didn't want people to worry, and I'm feeling better now! So see, I can take care of myself. :) And...I think that's it. Any questions, comments, and so on will be forwarded to my secretary, thank you, have a good night!...or day, or whatever the heck it is where you guys are. I'm off!



C. said...

I know what you mean. If it's a choice between a large group of people doing something, or just me or me and you and Coran doing something, I know which one I'd pick every time.

I just get impatient with large groups, no one can make a decision without offending at least someone else in the group, so I just avoid them.

Willow said...

I deffinately understand about the "groups" issue i usualy let everyone else do what they want anyway but its very difficult for me to talk or feel comfortable in groups

Well I have to say I'm glad your still invested here. Dude do you have ANYIDEA how much all of us would miss j00?

Dont worry about worrying me I feel safer knowing the good and the bad cause wonderful as life is i know its not all good and everybody has little road bumps ^^

super glomp huggs